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ACS Documentation : ACS Installation Guide : Credits
Long before Bryan Quinn had anything to do with this guide, Adam Farkas and Brian Stein conceived of the idea. Working with Bryan Quinn for the first version were Doug Hoffman, Ravi Jasuja, Hiro Iwashima, Ryan Lee, and Jonathan Goler. Many ArsDigita employees contributed documentation, criticized the document, and tested every line. Among them were Audrey Mcloghlin, Doug Harris, Zvi Boshernitzan, Michael Yoon, Cesar Brea, Dennis Gregorovic, David Fullagar, and Chris Spears.

A few members of the community were brave enough to test the documentation while it was still under development and contributed very valuable suggestions and bug reports. Among them were Kevin Tupper, Michael Duffy, Simon Carstensen, and Dave Bauer.

This document was assembled in part from previous documentation due to the efforts of Tracy Adams, Greg Haverkamp, Philip Greenspun, and Jin Choi. It was duly influenced by documents by Sean Yamamoto, David Cohen, and Chris Rasch.

Several improvements were suggested that will be incorporated RSN (hold bquinn to it) by Richard Li and Jon Griffin.

This documentation resulted from the collected efforts of employees at ArsDigita and ACS users world-wide. If it is useful, it is because of the distributed work of many enabled by the Internet. All mistakes and shortcomings are due to the slow typing of Bryan Quinn.

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part of the ACS Installation Guide