
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
curriculum_progress_cookie_value   { old_value "" }   { new_element "" }
What it does:
If not args are supplied, returns the initial value for the CurriculumProgress cookie. If an old value and new element are supplied, returns an appropriate new cookie value."
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/curriculum.tcl

Source code:

    if { [empty_string_p $old_value] && [empty_string_p $new_element] } {
	return "start"
    } elseif { $old_value == "start" } {
	return [list $new_element]
    } elseif { $old_value == "finished" } {
	# if you're finished, adding a new element doesn't change that!
	return "finished"
    } else {
	set tentative_result [lappend old_value $new_element]
	if { [llength [util_memoize "curriculum_bar_all_db_rows"]] == [llength $tentative_result] } {
	    return "finished"
	} else {
	    return $tentative_result