
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
fs_folder_def_selection   db   user_id   { group_id "" }   { public_p "" }   { file_id "" }   { folder_default "" }
What it does:
Write out the SELECT box that allows the user to move a file to another folder, or - if folder_default is provided - create a new folder.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/file-storage-defs.tcl

Source code:

    # Get the current location of the file (ie parent_id).
    if {![empty_string_p $file_id]} {
	set current_parent_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select parent_id from fs_files where file_id=$file_id"]
	# We don't want to display any folders which are children
	# of the selected file, so use this clause to block them.
	set children_clause "and fs_files_tree.file_id not in (select file_id
	from fs_files
	connect by prior file_id = parent_id
	start with file_id = $file_id)"
    } else {
	set current_parent_id ""
	set children_clause ""

    if { [info exists group_id] && ![empty_string_p $group_id] && $public_p != "t"} {    

	set sql_query "select file_title as folder, fs_files_tree.file_id as new_parent, lpad('x',the_level,'x') as spaces
	from   fs_files_tree
	where  folder_p='t'
        and    (public_p <> 't' or public_p is null) 
        and    group_id = $group_id
	and    deleted_p = 'f' $children_clause"

	set group_name [database_to_tcl_string $db "select group_name from user_groups where group_id=$group_id"]
	set top_level "$group_name group tree"

    } elseif {[info exists public_p] && $public_p == "t"}  {

	set sql_query "select file_title as folder, fs_files_tree.file_id as new_parent, lpad('x',the_level,'x') as spaces
	from   fs_files_tree
	where folder_p='t'
	and owner_id=$user_id
        and public_p = 't' 
        and group_id is null
	and deleted_p = 'f' $children_clause"

	set top_level "Shared user tree"

    } else {

	set sql_query "select file_title as folder, fs_files_tree.file_id as new_parent, lpad('x',the_level,'x') as spaces
	from   fs_files_tree
	where folder_p='t'
	and owner_id=$user_id
        and public_p = 'f' 
        and group_id is null
	and deleted_p = 'f' $children_clause"

	set top_level "Private user tree"

    if {[empty_string_p $current_parent_id] && [empty_string_p $folder_default]} {
	set file_options "<option value=\"\" selected> $top_level </option>\n"
    } else {
	set file_options "<option value=\"\" > $top_level </option>\n"
    set folder_count 0
    set selection [ns_db select $db $sql_query]
    while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
	regsub -all x $spaces {\&nbsp; \&nbsp;} spaces
	if  {$file_id != $new_parent} {
	    incr folder_count
	    if  { $current_parent_id == $new_parent || $folder_default == $new_parent } {
		append file_options "<option value=$new_parent selected>$spaces $folder</option>\n"
	    } else {
		append file_options "<option value=$new_parent >$spaces $folder</option>\n"

    if { $folder_count > 8 } { 
	set size_count 8
    } else {
	set size_count [expr $folder_count +1]
    set file_options_list "
    <select size=$size_count name=parent_id>

    return $file_options_list
