
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
im_project_parent_select   db   select_name   { default "" }   { current_group_id "" }   { status "" }   { exclude_status "" }
What it does:
Returns an html select box named $select_name and defaulted to $default with a list of all the eligible projects for parents
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl

Source code:

    if { [empty_string_p $current_group_id] } {
	set limit_group_sql ""
    } else {
	set limit_group_sql " and p.group_id != $current_group_id"
    set status_sql ""
    if { ![empty_string_p $status] } {
	set status_sql "and p.project_status_id=(select project_status_id from im_project_status where project_status='[DoubleApos $status]')"
    } elseif { ![empty_string_p $exclude_status] } {
	set exclude_string ""
	foreach type $exclude_status {
	    if { ![empty_string_p $exclude_string] } {
		append exclude_string ", "
	    append exclude_string "'[DoubleApos $type]'"
	set status_sql " and p.project_status_id in (select project_status_id 
                                                       from im_project_status 
                                                      where project_status not in ($exclude_string)) "

    set sql "select group_name, g.group_id
               from user_groups g, im_projects p 
              where p.parent_id is null 
                and g.group_id=p.group_id(+) $limit_group_sql $status_sql
              order by lower(g.group_name)"
    return [im_selection_to_select_box $db $sql $select_name $default]