
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
static_add_curriculum_bar_if_necessary   pre_body
What it does:
Returns the page, up to the close body tag, with a curriculum bar added if necessary
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-html.tcl

Source code:

    if { ![ad_parameter EnabledP curriculum 0] || ![ad_parameter StickInStaticPagesP curriculum 0] } {
	return $pre_body
    set curriculum_bar [curriculum_bar]
    if [empty_string_p $curriculum_bar] {
	# we are using the curriculum system but this user doesn't need a bar
	return $pre_body
    # let's look for a good place to stuff the bar
    # rely on maximal matching in REGEXP
    if { [regexp -nocase {(.*)<hr>(.*)} $pre_body match up_to_last_hr after_last_hr] } {
	# we found at least one HR, let's make sure that it is indeed
	# at the bottom of the page
	if { [string length $up_to_last_hr] > [string length $after_last_hr] } {
	    # this is indeed probably the last
	    append pre_body_with_curriculum_bar $up_to_last_hr "\n<center>[curriculum_bar]</center>\n" "<HR>" $after_last_hr
	} else {
	    # found an HR but probably it isn't the last one
	    append pre_body_with_curriculum_bar $pre_body "\n<center>[curriculum_bar]</center>\n"
    } else {
	append pre_body_with_curriculum_bar $pre_body "\n<center>[curriculum_bar]</center>\n"
    return $pre_body_with_curriculum_bar