
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
util_httpget   url   { headers "" }   { timeout "30" }   { depth "0" }
What it does:
Just like ns_httpget, but first optional argument is an ns_set of headers to send during the fetch.
Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/utilities-procs.tcl

Source code:

    if {[incr depth] > 10} {
	return -code error "util_httpget:  Recursive redirection:  $url"
    set http [ns_httpopen GET $url $headers $timeout]
    set rfd [lindex $http 0]
    close [lindex $http 1]
    set headers [lindex $http 2]
    set response [ns_set name $headers]
    set status [lindex $response 1]
    if {$status == 302} {
	set location [ns_set iget $headers location]
	if {$location != ""} {
	    ns_set free $headers
	    close $rfd
	    return [ns_httpget $location $timeout $depth]
    set length [ns_set iget $headers content-length]
    if [string match "" $length] {set length -1}
    set err [catch {
	while 1 {
	    set buf [_http_read $timeout $rfd $length]
	    append page $buf
	    if [string match "" $buf] break
	    if {$length > 0} {
		incr length -[string length $buf]
		if {$length <= 0} break
    } errMsg]
    ns_set free $headers
    close $rfd
    if $err {
	global errorInfo
	return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo $errMsg
    return $page
