-- -- file-storage.sql -- -- created June 1999 by aure@arsdigita.com and dh@arsdigita.com -- -- modified January 2000 by randyg@arsdigita.com -- All permissions are now taken care of by the general-permissions module -- (general-permissions.sql). Permissions are per version. create sequence fs_file_id_seq; create table fs_files ( file_id integer primary key, file_title varchar(500) not null, -- sort_key and depth help us with displaying contents quickly sort_key integer not null, depth integer not null, folder_p char(1) default 'f' check (folder_p in ('t','f')), -- the group_id and public_p are used solely for display purposes -- if there is a group_id then we display this file under the group folder group_id integer references user_groups(group_id), -- if public_p is 't' we show the file in the public folder public_p char(1) default 'f' check (public_p in ('t','f')), -- if group_id is null and public_p <> 't' -- the folder or document is in the users' tree owner_id integer not null references users(user_id), deleted_p char(1) default 'f' check (deleted_p in ('t','f')), -- parent_id is null for top level items parent_id integer references fs_files(file_id) ); -- need two indices to support CONNECT BY create index fs_files_idx1 on fs_files(file_id, parent_id); create index fs_files_idx2 on fs_files(parent_id, file_id); -- folders are also stored in fs_versions so that general_permissions can be -- wrapped around the folders as well. This way, is someone ever wants to -- put permissions on folders the functionality will already be in place. create sequence fs_version_id_seq; create table fs_versions ( version_id integer primary key, -- this is a version of the file key defined by file_key file_id integer not null references fs_files, -- this is where the actual content is stored version_content blob, -- description can be keywords, version notes, etc. version_description varchar(500), creation_date date not null, author_id integer not null references users(user_id), -- file name including extension but not path client_file_name varchar(500), file_type varchar(100), -- this is a MIME type (e.g., image/jpeg) file_extension varchar(50), -- e.g., "jpg" -- this value is null for the most recent version or equal to the id -- of the version that supersedes this one superseded_by_id integer references fs_versions(version_id), -- can be useful when deciding whether to present all of something n_bytes integer, -- added so we can store URLs url varchar(200) ); -- we'll often be asking "show me all the versions of file #4" create index fs_versions_by_file on fs_versions(file_id); create or replace view fs_versions_latest as select * from fs_versions where superseded_by_id is null; -- lets create an easy way to walk the tree so that we can join the connect by -- with the permissions tables create or replace view fs_files_tree as select file_id, file_title, sort_key, depth, folder_p, owner_id, deleted_p, group_id, public_p, parent_id, level as the_level from fs_files connect by prior fs_files.file_id = parent_id start with parent_id is null; -- if you have Intermedia installed (Oracle 8i only + additional -- sysadmin/dbadmin nightmares) -- create index fs_versions_content_idx -- on fs_versions (version_content) -- indextype is ctxsys.context; -- Seed the general_permission_types table with data for -- administering permissions on this module (markc@arsdigita.com) -- insert into general_permission_types ( table_name, permission_type ) values ( 'FS_VERSIONS', 'read' ); insert into general_permission_types ( table_name, permission_type ) values ( 'FS_VERSIONS', 'write' ); insert into general_permission_types ( table_name, permission_type ) values ( 'FS_VERSIONS', 'comment' ); insert into general_permission_types ( table_name, permission_type ) values ( 'FS_VERSIONS', 'owner' );