// standard.js // // by aure@arsdigita.com // // (but mostly adaptation of anonymous code found on various sites) // // $Id: standard,v 1.1 2003/12/11 02:14:38 aegrumet Exp $ //do browser detection here //placeholder for now; more robust testing to follow var isNN, isIE, isMac; var agent = navigator.userAgent; var isMac; var click_to_open_menu = 0; if (agent.lastIndexOf('Mac')<0) isMac=false; else isMac=true; if (document.all){ if (navigator.appName.indexOf("WebTV") != -1) { isWebTV = true; } else { isIE = true; } } else if (document.layers){ isNN = true; document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.RESIZE); window.onresize=myResizeFunction; } //standard handler for dealing with //netscape's bad habits if (isNN) {var ws = window.innerWidth; var hs = window.innerHeight;} function myResizeFunction() {if (isNN) {if ((window.innerWidth != ws) || (window.innerHeight != hs)) {window.location.href=window.location.href;} } } //makes layers, courtesy of peterg function mkLay(n,w,h,x,y,z,vis,cnt,exn,exe) { if (isNN) { vis == 1 ? vis='show' : vis='hide'; document.write(''+cnt+''); } else if (isIE) { vis == 1 ? vis='visible' : vis='hidden'; document.write('
'); } } //makes layers, courtesy of peterg function mkLay2(n,w,h,x,y,z,vis,cntn,cnte, exn,exe) { if (isNN) { vis == 1 ? vis='show' : vis='hide'; document.write(''+cntn+''); } else if (isIE) { vis == 1 ? vis='visible' : vis='hidden'; document.write('
'); } } //cross-browser function to handle layer visibility function visLay(nme,vis) { if (isNN) { vis ? vis='show' : vis='hide'; document.layers[nme].visibility=vis; } else if (isIE) { vis ? vis='visible' : vis='hidden'; document.all[nme].style.visibility=vis; } } //cross-browser layer positioning function LayerPos(id,x,y){ if (isNN){ if (x != null) document.layers[id].left = x; if (y != null) document.layers[id].top = y; } else if(isIE){ if (x != null) document.all[id].style.posLeft = x; if (y != null) document.all[id].style.posTop = y; } } function SwitchImg(which,newSrc,nnLayer){ var layerInfo = ""; if (isNN){ layerInfo = nnLayer; } eval(layerInfo + "document.images['" + which + "'].src = '" + newSrc.src + "'"); }