Source Code Review in Patent and Software Litigation

a guide for attorneys and expert witnesses by Philip Greenspun and John Morgan; updated November 2019

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Software source code, i.e., what a computer programmer types, often becomes an issue in legal disputes. Source code may be protected by copyright and is therefore potentially the subject of copyright infringement litigation (see our article on the Abstraction, Filtration, Comparison test). Source code and the algorithms or techniques embedded within it may be protected by trade secret and therefore analysis may be necessary in trade secret cases. Source code controls the behavior of most modern devices and therefore is frequently at issue in patent infringement lawsuits.

This article shares some of what we've learned doing roughly 50 code reviews over a period of 10 years.

What to ask for in discovery

The first challenge is properly asking for all of the source code and related materials in a discovery RFP. This is, of course, primarily an attorney task, but it is sometimes done with input from experts.

In our opinion, a good way to ensure the completeness of a discovery request is to think about what happens during the typical software development project:






Version Control

Starting in the 1990s it became common for teams of programmers to use version control systems, also known as "revision control" or "source control." Relying on inexpensive disk storage, the version control system keeps a record of every file of source code (software authored by a programmer) that is a component of a larger system. For every file, the version control system keeps a record of every version that has ever been "checked in," the date on which the check-in occurred, and the username of the programmer who made the check-in. By inspecting the version control systems "repository," it is possible to see when work was done, what work was done, and by whom work was done.

The comments typed by programmers when checking files into the version control system are not themselves source code, so they could be the subject of a separate discovery request. It is straightforward to ask the version control system for a report of all comments associated with check-ins.

Ticket Tracking (Bug Tracking or Issue Tracking)

A version control system tracks what was done with source code. A bug tracking or issue tracking system records why changes were made.

A bug tracking system typically allows a tester, a programmer, a customer, or even an end-user to enter an issue into a database. A programmer can then be assigned to investigate the issue or bug. The programmer can request additional information or a clarification from the person who originally entered the issue. The programmer, once a change has been made to the source code and checked into the version control system, can close the issue.

The same process and the same system can be used, and are typically used, for handling both defect reports (actual "bugs") and feature requests (for enhancements to software). Thus, reviewing the contents of the ticket tracker database can be helpful in understanding how software came to be developed and the rationale for adding or changing code. Tickets, whether they are bug reports or feature requests, are not source code, but they are helpful to have available when looking at source code.

[History: Computerized "trouble ticket" tracking was being used by AT&T in the 1970s. The idea became practical for everyday programming projects in the 1990s as the cost of running a database management system fell. Popular bug tracking systems include Bugzilla (free and open-source, released in 1998), FogBugz (2000), and the DoneDone hosted service (2009). (One of the authors of this article supervised the development of a ticket-tracking module within the ArsDigita Community System circa 2000.)]

Tools for Source Code Inspection

It is conventional for the producing party to provide an off-the-network personal computer in a private room within a law office. The producing party will typically also provide a break-out room in which the inspecting expert can leave and use notebook computers, smartphones, and other personal items.

It is conventional for the requesting party to specify the software that will be installed on the review computer (almost invariably running Microsoft Windows). Some of this depends on the personal preferences of the reviewers, but here are some starting points:

Getting Started: before the trip to the review computer

Attorneys: Supply the code reviewers with any discovery materials that relate to source code, e.g., block diagrams. In our experience, attorneys often consider code review to be a separate task and may not share documentation that can save the code reviewer a lot of time.

Attorneys and experts: Work together to hone a well-defined set of questions that should be explored and answered during the code review.

Attorneys and experts: Develop a list of keywords from the discovery materials that correspond to features of interest. Searches for these keywords can often speed the process of identifying source code useful for finding answers to the aforementioned questions.

Getting Started: once sitting at the review computer

The world of computer software is wide. Applications exist to support almost every human activity. New (though not necessarily improved) computer languages and libraries are promulgated weekly. Thus, it is difficult to give one-size-fits-all advice. That said, oftentimes a reasonable first approach to an unfamiliar body of code is the following:
  1. Look for corrupted files or folders. Be suspicious of empty directories, though with some languages this can be common. It is common to have to follow up with additional discovery requests after the first session with the review computer.
  2. If it is a client-server system, e.g., a classical relational database-backed web site, the database structure or "SQL data model" is often an efficient place to start. (Note that this is sometimes developed by programmers using graphical tools and therefore the only record of the database structure is inside the database itself. You'll need to ask for an export of this structure in a discovery request.)
  3. Use the version control system and/or multiple directories checked out by the producing party to examine the directory structure for an early version of the software. These directories and files often contain the most important parts of the software.
  4. Sketch out a block diagram of the high level architecture.
  5. Search for the keywords identified prior to the review. If you've been able to see the software running and/or have screen captures available, search for strings visible in the user interface to find entry points into the code responsible for what users see.

In the Middle

It is common for sufficiently mature software to contain dead code that is seldom or never used. Programmers are often wary of removing obsolete functions because some other part of the system of which they're not aware might rely on them. One clue that a section of the software has been superseded is a lack of recent check-ins in the version control system. Also look at preprocessor directives in build or configuration files for IFDEF-type statements that may cause source code to be excluced from the running system. Operating systems are often packed with seldom-used more-or-less dead code because for a handful of users they may have to support a 20-year-old application program that expects to call on that code.

A potential challenge with client-server systems is that some configuration parameters may be set by the server or are based on parameters stored in a database that is external to the source code. If these are important to your analysis, consider asking for an export of the database (or a portion) via discovery.

Additional reasons to look at exports of any databases used: (1) sometimes patent claims relate to how data are stored, (2) database records are easy for juries to understand.

Selecting pages to print

It is typical for a protective order to limit the amount of printing that can be done from the review computer. Also, any pages printed will have to be Bates-numbered.

Sometimes a printer will be provided with Bates-numbered paper in the tray. A protective order or agreement might also provide for the code reviewers to prepare PDFs of portions of code, e.g., from Notepad++, and collect them in a "PleasePrint" folder on the desktop of the review computer. The producers of the code will then print, Bates-number, and FedEx the pages.

We've seen challenges in staying within a protective order page limit if multiple versions of the same software are at issue, e.g., in patent cases where multiple similar devices are being analyzed regarding infringement. It is common for the receiving party's attorneys to underestimate their needs in situations such as this when the protective order is originally negotiated.

Efficiently working with code from a cooperative party

The most time-consuming part of code review is generally identifying the relevant directories and files from amidst a forest of complex yet at best peripherally relevant information. When looking at code from a cooperative party, this process can be streamlined by getting a walkthrough from a system architect or programmer who works with the code on a daily basis. The main value of this walkthrough is the highlighting of the most relevant directories and files for later carefuly study. The walkthrough can be done efficiently with screen-sharing tools, such as Skype.

To avoid allegations that you've seen anything that another expert in the case did not have a chance to review, make sure that you're working from the same set of code that has been produced.

Responsive Code Review

Oftentimes one must look at source code in response to a report from another expert in a case.

In a copyright or trade secret case, first make sure that code cited isn't simply a public domain library. A modern software system may contain millions of lines of code that neither party authored.

In a patent case, when looking at a report from a plaintiff's expert, check to make sure that the cited code could actually be executed and is actually executed (i.e., that it is not dead code). Software might not be evidence of infringement of a method claim if the software is never executed. Read the claims carefully. When there are experts offering different perspectives in a case, oftentimes the argument is more about how the claim should be interpreted than about how the code functions.

Think about what can be presented to a lay jury

In our experience, there are a lot of intelligent curious people on Federal court juries, but very seldom will one find a professional software engineer among the jury members. A jury is unlikely to have the patience to look at more than a handful of PowerPoints containing source code. Thus, even during the code review process, if you're the testifying expert, be thinking about which files best illustrate how the core of the system works. Oftentimes these will be XML or other configuration files rather than traditional C or Java programs.

Without some carefully considered source source excerpts, there is a risk of the trial becoming a credibility contest between two experts who are telling the jury what is contained in the source code. Much more reliable, in our opinion, is to show the jury, but a lot of thought and work goes into figuring out what portions of the source code are the best exemplars. The juries that we've seen have had the collective intelligence to reason their way to the correct conclusion. The technical expert's task is to give them the necessary basis for that reasoning process.

Example of what a jury might see

Most of our work has been in patent, trade secret, and copyright matters in which the source code is confidential. However, we can share some examples from a software development contract case in which the two sides disputed performance and quality. Since the names of the parties are not relevant for this tutorial, we've changed them to ABC (customer) and DevCo (software developers). The software was for a health insurance brokerage site. We've made a few redactions, again, simply to protect the names of the parties.

The contractor inherited a legacy web-based system developed by a previous contractor (in whom ABC had been disappointed). The following slide was to help the jury understood what had been dumped in DevCo's lap (click for full screen):

Simply by looking at the file names it was possible for the jury to see that the former contractor had not used a version control system:

What did the DevCo team build in exchange for the money paid? Again, no source code yet, but some statistics acquired during source code review (the block diagram is original to the design document and was included to show the jury that DevCo engaged in a reasonably organized software design and development process):

After the jury had seen the block diagram and was oriented to the overall system structure, it was possible to show them some examples. In the old system, administrative and financial information was mixed in with "protected health information" (PHI) that is regulated by Federal HIPAA law. One of the goals of the v2.0 system was to separate and segregate PHI so that only those with a need to access PHI would be able to access it. The following slide, with only about 10 lines of code, proved to the jury that this goal was achieved.

The following example shows that page script (PHP) code was kept compact and also included error handling:

The jury had previously been given a short tutorial on the RDBMS, SQL, and the value of encapsulating business rules in stored procedures. The following slide showed with source code that stored procedures were used for this purpose, e.g., figuring out which insurnace policies were applicable to a particular school.

Finally, the jury saw an example of how credit card processing was segregated into a single procedure that could be easily swapped out in the event that a business decision was made to work with a different credit card processor.

The above is substantially all of the project source code that the jury actually saw during a one-hour direct examination. However, in our opinion, this was enough for them to come to some of their own conclusions about whether DevCo had fulfilled its contractual obligations. It also may have helped them believe that the testifying expert ("Dr. Greenspun") had a sufficient basis for his opinion.


About the Authors

Philip Greenspun has been a software developer since 1976 and, in addition to his honest labor, has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT. Since 2005, He has been a software expert witness in a variety of cases, mostly patent-related matters in Federal court.

John Morgan is a graduate of the Olin College of Engineering and is a working software engineer. He has been conducting source code reviews since 2010.